Cootamundra High School

Respect, Responsibility, Excellence

Telephone02 6942 2711

Smart Start



Smart Start is a breakfast program that has been implemented at Cootamundra High School since 2nd term 2010. The Smart Start program is run out of the canteen from 8:30am until 8:55am. The program was originally Monday and Friday. Smart Start was then expanded from 2 mornings to 3 mornings (Monday Wednesday and Friday) towards the middle of term 3 2010 and to 5 mornings a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday) by mid term 4 2010.

The program offers FREE toast with various spreads (Vegemite, Peanut Butter, Honey, Jam, etc), raisin toast (when donated), crumpets (when donated), pancakes (on a Tuesday) and fruit juice drink to ALL students at Cootamundra High School from years 7-12.

Usually, once or twice a term Smart Start diversifies into Bacon and Egg rolls, a full pancake day and after recient regular donations will be changing the food to a more winter based breakfast. This will consist of a larger variey of warm and cool foods. 

Smart Start could only be possible through the kind donations of the following generous community members.

:-) The Cootamundra High School P&C

:-) Cootamundra Retravision  

:-) Coota Hot Bake

:-) Bethungra fuels

:-) Yvette Newman

:-) Rayleigh Hoey

If you wish to help out with the Smart Start program through any form of donation please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Diana Lonnen (Smart Start coordinator) at school anytime.

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